TSO un-Official Fan Club


TSO East

TSO West


Guest Book


Favorite Links

Events Calendar

Welcome to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra un-Official Fan Club!
We are a group of TSO fans who have come together to create this website in hopes of sharing our information with anyone who may like to learn more about the truely Awesome band, Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

So come on inside and enjoy your stay! If you would like to contact us, you can email us at: tsonut@yahoo.com or visit our Yahoo group at:
TSO YahooGroup
Thank You!

"There’s the energy of rock and roll, the beauty of classical, and the drama of theater. We seem to have hit upon a combination that has universal appeal."
---Bob Kinkel
TSO East 2001 - Photo by Missy
"...It's just celebratory. It has to do with belief in things you can't see.
All I know is that it's just magical. It's hard to explain the way people feel after a show. It doesn't fit into any categories..."
--- Joe Cerisano TSO East

"If you want retina-zapping lights and stage fog to go with your rock-anthemized holiday carols -- imagine Meat Loaf singing "Deck the Halls'' backed by Yes in one of its symphonic moods -- then Trans-Siberian Orchestra is for you."
---Albany Times Union

"We grew up in the classic-rock arena...The mix we have has the heavy rock elements that keep the younger kids interested along with the classical elements that make the heavier rock acceptable to older people...We found a mix that works for everyone."
---Bob Kinkel


TSO West - Photo by Newbs
"...In preparation, metalheads will iron their Metallica T-shirts, and starched executives will abandon martinis for brewskies in the name of Christmas cheer and twirling drumsticks. This cross-pollination might explain the show's success. Despite the speaker-shredding guitars, families get to experience that warm, fuzzy feeling of the holidays. And because of those guitars, the denim & leather crowd files in, too. You see grandparents and grandkids out there, and they're all transfixed..."
--- Cleveland Scene